View Profile SparrowScout87

5 Art Reviews w/ Response

All 17 Reviews

I think you should base all your future PPG art on your own custom design in the red corner.


1. your custom designs are harder to confuse for the girls' 2016 redesigns
2. it will be easier to tell if another user is stealing your art!

Escarietson responds:

A few others said the same thing on my DeviantArt account and I'm inclined to agree given that it would be a definitive design style that would make it much easier to tell if it was stolen, and I've been the victim of art theft multiple times in the past (primarily on YouTube). Plus the whole mitten-hands & squared hoof-like feet thing is a visual logic improvement that helps clean up the original series's logic flaw. How can Bubbles hold onto chopsticks in the Child Fearing episode when the sticks are outside of her stubby fingerless hand?

Yet even then I still refuse to make them into perfectly shaped humans like in Bleedman's PPGD comics since I have to keep SOME form of artificial-construct design elements that are trademark to them; such as the whole "big head" and "bug-sized eyes" things, especially since they were called "bug-eyed freaks" in the show and also in the movie.

Thanks for your feedback!

Once Bubbles changes back into her regular attire, do you think she'd like to wear a sticky-backed "Junior Dancer's Award" ribbon? I have one that I've been saving for her!

isrraelg16 responds:

yes clear!

I live in the UK but my introduction to Tetris Attack was a 2-page Play It Loud magazine ad I saw for it in an issue of US mag Electronic Gaming Monthly my then-local WHSmith happened to have in stock!
Having not had my own SNES until 2001, the first time I got to play Tetris Attack was on an inflight SNES on my way to Florida in December 2000! I am GLAD I played it when I got the chance, it's SO good!

Catfox responds:

It would be nice if they made a new one for Switch, or the switch 2.

I agree!

Catfox responds:

Thank you!

What app did you do your Wii U art on?

MajorStarlight responds:

I was able to use Deviant Art Muro on the Wii U gamepad back when the browser worked.

Joined on 3/27/24

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